Sunday, December 18, 2011

To Stress or Not to Stress

To Stress or Not To Stress

Just a little update… many friends have asked when we will reveal our Littles to the world… Until adoption finalizes we have to respect the level of discretion that is expected, after that –
I will be a picture-posting Momma! 

Everyone is different. Different stressors, responses to stress, and different levels of stress that they consider acceptable in their life.

I have come to function at what some would consider a high level of stress. (The fact that it is 12:30am and I am journaling and watching The Notebook should give you some idea of how crazy I am =) 

Since life has become a bit like a whirl wind the past couple months I have been struggling with this idea of stress. When feelings overwhelmed with schedules, homework, runny noses, laundry, potty training, cleaning, and all that goes with loving children that are new to your home. - I step back and I realize that during these moments of frustration I am task focused – not heaven focused. 
How do I rationalize this?
Quite well!
But then I am reminded…

Luke 12:25
“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?”

1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”

I do not think these are suggestions. There is nothing written that says
 – “Julia, whenever your to do list is done, don’t worry and cast your anxiety on Me – 
I will help you with your plans – just fill me in on what’s goin on”.

Francis Chan has said numerous times that when we are stressed out over things of this world we are essentially saying to God, “I don’t trust that you are in control and My plans are more important than yours!”

This is not a bash stress blog post –trust me I just wrote 5,000 words about how stress affects us at a physiological level and have come to respect stress in a new way. Stress causes motion at the smallest level of our existence. When we are in motion things happen! Stress can motivate. I do not believe that stress is a sin; yet allowing stress to distract us from the mission at hand is ignoring commands that are given 
– Do Not Worry.

God has been so faithful to us during this time of growing! Starting from scratch to set up a family of seven with the things that Americans are accustomed to (i.e. beds, pillows, clothes, food, and toys) was a stretch. To believe that we could do this while I was not working seemed financially daunting. And yet here we are. 
With everything we need… and want. 
The blessings that have been poured out on us are countless.

I am journeying to a place where I am following God’s plans and not inviting Him to join me on mine. I am sure I am not alone in my struggle to balance all these things called life. Just some food for thought. 
Next time you are stressed and overwhelmed consider this…

Luke 12:22-23
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. 23 For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.”

This is real to me when I step back from my "to-do's" and at the end of the day can see  progress healing a wound that one of my Littles came with... God is so good. 


  1. Hi Julia!

    I've connected with Lara (The Farmer's Wife) over facebook, and her blog! When I read her status about you and your husband's adventure of adopting five siblings I was overjoyed! It's so special that you are SO gracious to keep them together!

    I'll keep following, and praying for your next steps in your adoption! I have a little sister from Ethiopia and she is five. I also remember how much I wanted to show her face to the world, but had to respect the rules.


    Our family blog:

  2. Thanks for your prayers! We serve a very neat God!
